Monday, May 20, 2013

San Carlos Falls

The plains before the jungle.
           A couple of weeks ago we went to San Carlos Falls. To get to San Carlos Falls is a pretty difficult hike that will leave you hurting in the morning! :) The hike goes through through plains or flat lands and jungle and
Going down the ropes
the whole time you are pretty hot. There are some ropes that you can use to climb down because at some parts it is really difficult to walk since it is so steep. We actually went twice, once last week, and once a few weeks ago. A few weeks ago was the first time that we went. We went with a couple of my dad's work friends that knew the way there. The second time we went, we went with Chris, my cousin. While we were walking through the plains we had to go through razor grass. It hurt A LOT!! It leaves little paper cuts on your arms and legs. The falls were a lot of fun though. There was also a plant that when you touched it, it would close. The plant is called mimosa pudica. There is a video at the bottom of the page.
Razor Grass

 The first falls that we stopped at my dad tried to fish in, (it didn't work so well). But, Benji caught a few tadpoles to put in our fish tank. At the second falls there was a rope swing and about a 7 foot tall cliff that you could jump off of into the water. We got a video of me swinging on the rope swing. The hike out of the jungle was kind of difficult, also. There was a really steep cliff with a rope that we had to climb up and then we had to go through the plains again. Even though it was a hard hike, it was still a lot of fun being able to go to the falls.

mimosa pudica closing.
Dad relaxing.

Haputo Beach

                                                     Mother's Day at Haputo Beach

For Mother's Day we went to Haputo Beach with my cousin. The beach is located at the bottom of a cliff on a military base at the northern end of the island. To get to the beach itself, you have to park at the top of the cliff and hike down. The trail comes out at on end of the beach, which is only about 200 meters long. The cliffs form a cove around a shallow bay, and at the edge of the reef there is a small island with the bottom eroded away.

When we got to the beach, we went to the far side because we had heard that there were caves there, but we later found out that they were on the other side. We ended up spending most of our time there just floating in the water. I found a small crab and watched him for a while to see what he was doing. After about 4 hours we packed up our stuff and hiked back up to go to dinner.

My dad, sister and cousin floating and drinking (not my sister though).

Small island in background.

By: Benji